Sunday, October 17, 2010

design 2 final project

for our final project, we had to create a series of PSAs. i chose Autism Speaks as my topic. i feel my PSAs are simple and direct. i even illustrated the iconic puzzle piece associated with the foundation.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


after watching the movie Ponyo, i fell in love with the character designs, especially her and i was immediately inspired to create her myself. this was from my favorite scene in the film when sosuke's mom gives her a blanket for the first time ever.

Monday, September 27, 2010

visual language for designers

for design 2, we had to find a book with good design in it. i chose the book "Visual Language for Designers" I liked it because it had a lot of infographics and different ways of communicating a message using only images.


for design 2, we had to create a simple, minimalistic menu. here's the menu i created.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


this was the first time i had ever used indesign. i'll be using it more often now.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

digital illustration project 1

for digital illustration 1, our first project was to create an image using found objects arranged on a flatbed scanner. the objects were to have a unified theme, and i believe my image speaks for itself.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

the origins of grenade jump3r

the name is a song title. not very exciting, is it? i just liked the way it sounded and i've been using it for about 3 years now and it has become my online identity in every instance.

marker drawing

well i suppose this is my design blog/online gallery of sorts so i might as well post up some things i've done in the past. here's a drawing i've been working on lately.

this one is a character named blackstar from a cartoon called soul eater. i don't usually draw cartoons, but i liked this one a lot.

project 1 final composition

with the composition was basically complete, i felt like there was something more that i could do with it. it felt a little flat to me, so i applied two different textures right on top of each other to give the piece an aged/distressed look to it, like a poster left outside of a building for too long.

with the textures applied, i felt that it really added life to my homage piece. i had 4 different variants with 4 different textures, but this one was voted the best so i went with the crowd.

i'd have to say i am quite surprised with myself because when we were shown the projects we were supposed to create for this class, i'll be honest and say i was really intimidated by what i saw from other students. after seeing what i had done with this first project though, i feel confident in my skills as a designer, and every day i feel it getting stronger and stronger.

project 1 basic digital composition

after creating all my elements, i began piecing them together as close to the original poster as i could. i converted my Tony/Maria silhouette to white to match the original and i personally selected a font called "you are loved" from the website

one requirement of the project was to also incorporate either a short paragraph about the designer, or a quote. being that the design was already quite minimalist, i did not want to fill the negative space with a paragraph so i chose his quote, "design is thinking made visual." also after seeing all the elements in place and looking at the font style, i felt the fire escape was too basic, so all i did was adjust the brush type to give it a grunge-type of feel to it.

project 1 homage creating individual elements

after my thumbnail was complete, i went ahead and started a rough digital comp of the piece with adobe illustrator. i drew out all the individual elements..namely the staircase and the silhouette of the film's main characters, Tony and Maria.

i also made sure to include the fire escape as seen in the original poster, as it is also one of the only other graphic elements of the piece.

project 1 homage conception

for design 2, our first project was to create an homage piece for a famous designer. i chose the great Saul Bass,known for his ultra simple, yet brilliant movie posters such as Vertigo, West Side Story, The Shining, and Psycho

i chose to emulate his poster for West Side Story. i began with a super basic thumbnail sketch just to give me an idea of my composition such as where the individual elements needed to go and the size they should be.

please excuse my "drawing" abilities. i promise that what i lack in traditional hand sketching, i more than make up for it with my illustrator skills.