Sunday, October 17, 2010

design 2 final project

for our final project, we had to create a series of PSAs. i chose Autism Speaks as my topic. i feel my PSAs are simple and direct. i even illustrated the iconic puzzle piece associated with the foundation.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


after watching the movie Ponyo, i fell in love with the character designs, especially her and i was immediately inspired to create her myself. this was from my favorite scene in the film when sosuke's mom gives her a blanket for the first time ever.

Monday, September 27, 2010

visual language for designers

for design 2, we had to find a book with good design in it. i chose the book "Visual Language for Designers" I liked it because it had a lot of infographics and different ways of communicating a message using only images.


for design 2, we had to create a simple, minimalistic menu. here's the menu i created.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


this was the first time i had ever used indesign. i'll be using it more often now.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

digital illustration project 1

for digital illustration 1, our first project was to create an image using found objects arranged on a flatbed scanner. the objects were to have a unified theme, and i believe my image speaks for itself.